Singing Guide: Down Among The Sheltering Palms

Singing Guide: Down Among The Sheltering Palms

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

This article is aimed at helping you learn how to sing like Al Jolson, an American singer and comedian who experienced enormous popularity in the 1920s. He was known for his unique vocal technique, which combined traditional operatic and vaudeville styles, and his signature jazz hands.

If you want to sing like Al Jolson, there are a few steps you can take to improve your technique and sound:

  • Step 1: Breath control and posture
  • As with any singing style, taking care of your breath control and posture is important. Al Jolson was known for his powerful and resonant voice, which required good breath control and an upright posture. Singing Carrots offers a course on vocal breathing technique that can help improve your breath control and posture. Learn more here.
  • Step 2: Vocal range and chest voice
  • Al Jolson was known for his expansive vocal range and his ability to sing with a chest voice. To improve your vocal range, try the Singing Carrots vocal range test. Once you know your range, you can start to work on your chest voice by practicing vocal warm-ups that focus on that register. Find them here.
  • Step 3: Articulation and phrasing
  • Al Jolson's unique style was characterized by his smooth and connected phrasing, which required good articulation and vowel placement. To improve your articulation and vowel placement, try the Singing Carrots articulation exercises. Start here.
  • Step 4: Song choice and practice
  • Finally, to really nail Al Jolson's singing style, you need to pick the right songs and practice them regularly. "Down Among the Sheltering Palms" is a great example of an Al Jolson song that showcases his unique style and technique. Singing Carrots allows you to search for songs by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, making it easy to find the right song for you. Find your song here.

Incorporating these steps into your practice routine can help you improve your singing technique and learn how to sing like Al Jolson. For more information on singing techniques and vocal health, check out Singing Carrots' blog and video resources. Discover more here.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.